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Touch of Roots

letters of a black man

Paper, ink, 1993, 20 х 30 cm

There was a masai, his brave heart always brought him to troubles. At fifteen he was expelled from the tribe for theft of piece of cloth for his beloved girl. Long journey brought him to Addis Abeba where he became servant of european diplomat. The boss turned out to be good person and noted how smart is the guy. He helped masai to enter school at the age of 16. By the age of 20, the guy graduated all what was available in Addis Abbeba and learned English, French, German and Arabian. He also fell in love with 16 years old daughter of his boss. The girl also loved him but father set the condition - he should graduate in Europe and get some good job. So this guy came to Moscow university named after Patris Lumumba. He studied at two faculties, and any day when he considered that today is some of Masai's national holidays, he did the ritual hairdress with clay, covered his naked painted body with piece of red cloth and went out to walk about Moscow. Lucky he were that all such holidays somehow happened in summer. Militia usually brought him back to the dormitory.
Eventually he graduted and became professor of history in university of Aleksandria in Egypt. He married the beautiful girl from Addis Abbeba which waited for him six years. All this he wrote in colors in the letter to his friends. Sadly, in the end black sea bird entered the window of his house in Aleksandria, and the next day he found out that his father died in faraway Kenia.


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