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Opening of Elements

This series of paintings is dedicated to the distant future, when the new humanity will live in peace and mutual assistance. This will be due to changed energetics, not a political or social change. Because everyone will realize that it is impossible to make any harm without receiving kickback. Many people will own the energy vision, and will be able to see and understand the cause-and-effect relationships. Gradually learning to understand the language of the of the universe's energetic fibers, people will be able to manage not only the climate, but also the global elements. That moment when the true nature of the elements would become understandable to a person and accessible to careful and reasonable impact, is symbolically called the Opening.

Air is open!

30x30 cm Tempera and fluorescent pigments on canvas. 2016

Legend tells that in the distant future, people will study more deeply the nature of the element of air, and the moment, when people will learn to overcome gravity in different ways, is symbolically called the moment of opening. Air is open! This exclamation clearly expresses emotion of the person for the first time realizing that, knowing the laws of the energy interaction in the element of air - it is easy and funny to fly. Seeking ways to move the bodies of different size and weight with ever greater speed, people will gradually penetrate ever deeper into the mysteries of the energy layers of element of air. Air is open! It means that the air element does no longer, in any form, harm humanity. This is due to the fact that any perturbation of the element of air become known to people at the very beginning of its formation on the energy level, giving ample opportunities for competent influence and the redirection of energy jets of air element in the desired direction. Air is open! - It means that people ethics finally ascended to that purity, which is necessary for the energetic vision and for awareness of the full responsibility for the influence produced towards the world.

Photo in usual light

Photo in black light

The earth is open!

30x30 cm Tempera and fluorescent pigments on canvas. 2016

In the distant future, when people will no longer see the world only through the benefit for themselves, the global elements of our planet, one by another will open its secrets to the human. The need to fight for survival and self-assertion will disappear and people will be able to finally open mind to look around, noticing the laws of the structure of energetic world. The earth is open! - It means that there are no more mysteries in earthly matter - all that is hidden in the depths of the earth is open to the energy vision. The earth is open! - and those who are endowed with a subtle hearing, will hear where treasures of earth are stored. The earth is open! - the mystery of changing of matter will be discovered, our planet will become more comfortable and convenient for people's living, energetically adjusted to the balance of the majority of population.

Photo in usual light

Photo in black light

Water is opening!

30x40 cm Tempera and fluorescent pigments on canvas. 2017

In this painting the feeling on the verge of knowing the inner nature of the element of water is symbolically depicted. In the distant future, when the purity of mankind will allow it, being totally unselfish, guided by the common good bun not by personal interests, to explore the essence of the matter, it will discover the laws acting in the element of water. Water that makes up the human matter, will be the first element completely cognized by man. Understanding the laws of interaction of water with other elements, humanity will advance far in the scientific use of water. While learning the inner nature of the water, people will repeatedly refer to the accumulated knowledge from ancient times, this process is symbolically depicted as a snake Naga. Naga is the oldest symbol of reason and wisdom, but also of water. It is not by chance because the energetic picture of learning process is similar to the condensation of water vapor. Both phenomenon take time multiplied by the difference of temperature or of the level of the input energy. Water is opening, which means that humanity will be ready to live in the world with the dominant element of water. Water is opening to become the eternal assistant and inexhaustible resource for human beings. Water is opening to give hidden for centuries treasures of physical and spiritual world.

Photo in sunlight

Photo in usual light

Photo in black light

Water is open!

30x40 cm Tempera and fluorescent pigments on canvas. 2017

Water is the closest in its nature element to the human, we all know that our body consists by 70% of water - this is not accidental, as there is nothing accidental in the universe at all. Water is the mother of our physical bodies, which is why since ancient times in different nations water was deified. Thoughtfully reading the legends, you can see the relationship of legends about the properties of water and water deities with scientific reality. For many people it is clear already that the knowledge survived from ancient times is worth to study. Interestingly, that water, not earth, air or fire, is currently the most accessible and open to human interaction element. As we have just touched the knowledge of the elements of air and fire, as the land is still more filled with mysteries than discoveries for human, water already motherly opened many of its properties to people. It is water from the beginning of time that demonstrates the change of its structure, repeating in the visible to our eyes world the hidden processes of the subtle world. Water motherly fed and safeguarded us, taught and nurtured, helped, gave the movement and exchange of knowledge, resources and energy. Isn't it a concord? Of course, the attentive eye can notice similar laws in the world of air and fire, as well as in ours, earthly. However, the first and necessary for everybody step of development is a reconciliation with the mother element of water.

Photo in usual light

Photo in black light




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